270 research outputs found

    Confusing preclinical (predictive) drug screens with animal "models' of psychiatric disorders, or "disorder-like' behaviour, is undermining confidence in behavioural neuroscience

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    Preclinical (predictive) screens for psychotropic drugs are often used, incorrectly, as animal ‘models’ of psychiatric disorders, or to study ‘disorder-like’ behaviours. This misunderstanding is contributing to poor translation and is undermining confidence in behavioural neuroscience. In this editorial, I discuss some of the reasons why the interpretation of results from many of these procedures is dubious because the criteria for validity of the test, as a model of the disorder, have been ignored. Arising from this, I propose that the description of any abnormal behaviour of rodents as a ‘model’ of a psychiatric disorder, or even ‘disorder-like’, without evidence-based justification, should be regarded as unacceptable in this journal

    Some Reasons Why Preclinical Studies of Psychiatric Disorders Fail to Translate: What Can Be Rescued from the Misunderstanding and Misuse of Animal 'Models'?

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    The repeated failure of animal models to yield findings that translate into humans is a serious threat to the credibility of preclinical biomedical research. The use of animals in research that lacks translational validity is unacceptable in any ethical environment, and so this problem needs urgent attention. To reproduce any human illness in animals is a serious challenge, but this is especially the case for psychiatric disorders. Yet, many authors do not hesitate to describe their findings as a ‘model’ of such a disorder. More cautious scientists describe the behavioural phenotype as ‘disorder-like’, without specifying the way(s) in which the abnormal behaviour could be regarded as being analogous to any of the diagnostic features of the disorder in question. By way of discussing these problems, this article focuses on common, but flawed, assumptions that pervade preclinical research of depression and antidepressants. Particular attention is given to the difference between putative ‘models’ of this illness and predictive screens for candidate drug treatments, which is evidently widely misunderstood. However, the problems highlighted in this article are generic and afflict research of all psychiatric disorders. This dire situation will be resolved only when funders and journal editors take action to ensure that researchers interpret their findings in a less ambitious, but more realistic, evidence-based way that would parallel changes in research of the cause(s), diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric problems in humans

    Neuronal Signaling: A reflection on the Biochemical Society's newest journal and an exciting outlook on its next steps

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    The inaugural Editor-in-Chief of Neuronal Signaling, Aideen M. Sullivan, reflects on the journal's journey so far and welcomes the new Editor-in-Chief, Clare Stanford, as she shares some of the exciting initiatives and plans for its future

    The NK1R-/- mouse phenotype suggests that small body size, with a sex- and diet-dependent excess in body mass and fat, are physical biomarkers for a human endophenotype with vulnerability to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

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    The abnormal behaviour of NK1R-/- mice (locomotor hyperactivity, inattentiveness and impulsivity in the 5-Choice Serial Reaction-Time Test) is arguably analogous to that of patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Evidence suggests that small body size and increased body weight are risk factors for ADHD. Here, we compared the body size, body mass and body composition of male and female NK1R-/- mice and their wildtypes that had been fed either standard laboratory chow or a high-fat (45%: 'Western') diet. Male NK1R-/- mice from both cohorts were approximately 7% shorter than wildtypes. A similar trend was evident in females. Male NK1R-/- mice fed the normal diet weighed less than wildtypes but the 'body mass index' ('mBMI': weight (mg)/length (cm)(2)) of female NK1R-/- mice was higher than wildtypes. When given the high-fat diet, the mBMI of both male and female NK1R-/- mice was higher than wildtypes. There were no consistent genotype or sex differences in protein, ash or water content of mice from the two cohorts. However, the fat content of male NK1R-/- mice on the Western diet was considerably (35%) higher than wildtypes and resembled that of females from both genotypes. We conclude that a lack of functional NK1R is associated with small body size but increases vulnerability to an increase in mBMI and fat content, especially in males. This phenotype could also be evident in ADHD patients with polymorphism(s) of the TACR1 gene (the human equivalent of Nk1r)

    Using InVivoStat to perform the statistical analysis of experiments

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    The need to improve reproducibility and reliability of animal experiments has led some journals to increase the stringency of the criteria that must be satisfied before manuscripts can be considered suitable for publication. In this article we give advice on experimental design, including minimum group sizes, calculating statistical power and avoiding pseudo-replication, which can improve reproducibility. We also give advice on normalisation, transformations, the gateway analysis of variance strategy and the use of p-values and confidence intervals. Applying all these statistical procedures correctly will strengthen the validity of the conclusions. We discuss how InVivoStat, a free-to-use statistical software package, which was designed for life scientists, especially animal researchers, can be used to help with these principles

    Psychostimulants, antidepressants and neurokinin-1 receptor antagonists ('motor disinhibitors') have overlapping, but distinct, effects on monoamine transmission: The involvement of L-type Ca(2+) channels and implications for the treatment of ADHD

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    Both psychostimulants and antidepressants target monoamine transporters and, as a consequence, augment monoamine transmission. These two groups of drugs also increase motor activity in preclinical behavioural screens for antidepressants. Substance P-preferring receptor (NK1R) antagonists similarly increase both motor activity in these tests and monoamine transmission in the brain. In this article, the neurochemical and behavioural responses to these three groups of drugs are compared. It becomes evident that NK1R antagonists represent a distinct class of compounds ('motor disinhibitors') that differ substantially from both psychostimulants and antidepressants, especially during states of heightened arousal or stress. Also, all three groups of drugs influence the activation of voltage-gated Ca(v)1.2 and Ca(v)1.3 L-type channels (LTCCs) in the brain, albeit in different ways. This article discusses evidence that points to disruption of these functional interactions between NK1R and LTCCs as a contributing factor in the cognitive and behavioural abnormalities that are prominent features of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Arising from this is the interesting possibility that the hyperactivity and impulsivity (as in ADHD) and psychomotor retardation (as in depression), reflect opposite poles of a behavioural continuum. A better understanding of this pharmacological network could help explain why psychostimulants augment motor behaviour during stress (e.g., in preclinical screens for antidepressants) and yet reduce locomotor activity and impulsivity in ADHD. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled 'CNS Stimulants'

    Perseveration by NK1R-/- ('knockout') mice is blunted by doses of methylphenidate that affect neither other aspects of their cognitive performance nor the behaviour of wild-type mice in the 5-Choice Continuous Performance Test

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    The underlying cause(s) of abnormalities expressed by patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have yet to be delineated. One factor that has been associated with increased vulnerability to ADHD is polymorphism(s) ofTACR1, which is the human equivalent of the rodent NK1 (substance P-preferring) receptor gene (Nk1r). We have reported previously that genetically altered mice, lacking functional NK1R (NK1R-/-), express locomotor hyperactivity, which was blunted by the first-line treatment for ADHD, methylphenidate. Here, we compared the effects of this psychostimulant (3, 10 and 30 mg/kg, intraperitoneally) on the behaviour of NK1R-/- mice and their wild types in the 5-Choice Continuous Performance Test, which emulates procedures used to study attention and response control in ADHD patients. Methylphenidate increased total trials (a measure of 'productivity') completed by wild types, but not by NK1R-/- mice. Conversely, this drug reduced perseveration by NK1R-/- mice, but not by wild types. Other drug-induced changes in key behaviours were not genotype dependent, especially at the highest dose: for example, % omissions (an index of inattentiveness) was increased, whereas % false alarms and % premature responses (measures of impulsivity) declined in both genotypes, indicating reduced overall response. These findings are discussed in the context of the efficacy of methylphenidate in the treatment of ADHD. Moreover, they lead to several testable proposals. First, methylphenidate does not improve attention in a subgroup of ADHD patients with a functional deficit of TACR1. Second, these patients do not express excessive false alarms when compared with other groups of subjects, but they do express excessive perseveration, which would be ameliorated by methylphenidate

    Catecholamines: Knowledge and Understanding in the 1960s, now, and in the future

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    The late 1960s was a heyday for catecholamine research. Technological developments made it feasible to study the regulation of sympathetic neuronal transmission and to map the distribution of noradrenaline and dopamine in the brain. At last, it was possible to explain the mechanism of action of some important drugs that had been used in the clinic for more than a decade (e.g. the first generation of antidepressants) and to contemplate the rational development of new treatments (e.g. l-dihydroxyphenylalanine therapy, to compensate for the dopaminergic neuropathy in Parkinson’s disease, and β1-adrenoceptor antagonists as antihypertensives). The fact that drug targeting noradrenergic and/or dopaminergic transmission are still the first-line treatments for many psychiatric disorders (e.g. depression, schizophrenia, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) is a testament to the importance of these neurotransmitters and the research that has helped us to understand the regulation of their function. This article celebrates some of the highlights of research at that time, pays tribute to some of the subsequent landmark studies, and appraises the options for where it could go next

    Atomoxetine reduces hyperactive/impulsive behaviours in neurokinin-1 receptor 'knockout' mice.

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    Mice with functional ablation of the neurokinin-1 receptor gene (NK1R(-/-)) display behavioural abnormalities which resemble the hyperactivity, inattention and impulsivity seen in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Here, we investigated whether the established ADHD treatment, atomoxetine, alleviates these abnormalities when tested in the light/dark exploration box (LDEB) and 5-Choice Serial Reaction-Time Task (5-CSRTT)

    Contrasting changes in extracellular dopamine and glutamate along the rostrocaudal axis of the anterior cingulate cortex of the rat following an acute d-amphetamine or dopamine challenge.

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    There is evidence for functional specificity of subregions along the rostrocaudal axis of the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC). The subregion-specific distribution of dopaminergic afferents and glutamatergic efferents along the ACC make these obvious candidates for coding such regional responses. We investigated this possibility using microdialysis in freely-moving rats to compare changes in extracellular dopamine and glutamate in the rostral ('rACC: Cg1 and Cg3 (prelimbic area)) and caudal ('cACC': Cg1 and Cg2) ACC induced by systemic or local administration of d-amphetamine. Systemic administration of d-amphetamine (3 mg/kg, i.p.) caused a transient increase in extracellular dopamine in the rACC, but an apparent increase in the cACC of the same animals was less clearly defined. Local infusion of d-amphetamine increased dopamine efflux in the rACC, only. Glutamate efflux in the rACC was increased by local infusion of dopamine (5-50 μM), which had negligible effect in the cACC, but only systemic administration of d-amphetamine into the cACC increased glutamate efflux. The asymmetry in the neurochemical responses within the rACC and cACC, to the same experimental challenges, could help explain why different subregions are recruited in the response to specific environmental and somatosensory stimuli and should be taken into account when studying the regulation of neurotransmission in the ACC. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled 'CNS Stimulants'
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